A Micro Book Studio library is a group of HTML files that contain several works and opuscles which are linked between them by a General Index. Each work and opuscle is divided in chapters and each chapter fills a HTML file. Chapters are linked between them by a link to previous chapter, a link to a posterior chapter, and a third one to Book or Opuscle Index. Book indexes are linked between themselves by Library General Index. Thus, all library files are linked to all others by hiperlinks, which allows navigation by all library.

Each library must be stored in its own and exclusive folder in computer hard disk, and Library General Index must always be named as 00-index.htm.

MBS libraries may be downloaded as ready files from Internet, but the best is that each user may, with relative easiness, to make its own librarues for personal use or distribution, using Micro Edit Studio. It is not necessary for that to have previous knowledge of HTML, however it might help work very much.

Micro Edit Studio is a freeware software and, however its use is more complex than Micro Book Studio, it is not difficult and certainly any user that is able to work confortably in traditional Windows programs would not find any major obstacle to handle it.

Micro Edit Studio converts in MBS libraries files that were copied to its Working Cache, a folder inside folder in which Micro Edit Studio is stored. Once files to be converted in libraries are in Cache, software backbone is its Build Menu.

From up to down, Micro Edit Studio Build Menu convert files in Cache from HTML to text, if they are not still in text format, break these files in several HTML chapters, recognize and format their titles, convert broken files in HTML pages that are linked between themselves and create the several library indexes. By doing all that, library is essentially ready.

Micro Edit Studio has two groups of help files to ease user learning. Up and left, in its first tool bar, there are two Wizard buttons. The first, where we may read a great W, shows, when clicked, Wizard Index. The second, where we find a sheet block with a first green page, reopens last opened by user Wizard page, independently if it was opened few seconds ago or in a previous software session.

Wizard is a shorter help that contains, so much as it is possible, only instructions that may be immediately executed by user. While reading Wizard, user may work with main software commands, step by step, almost immediately after starting reading. A little group from main commands will be executed short after each Wizard reading, after what, clicking at the button that reopens last visited Wizard page, user may restart work where he had left it.

Wizard is the best way for user to do his first acquaintance with Micro Edit Studio.

Help files may be reached by Help Menu, and in them we have an item for Help Index and another for last visited page in Help. Among Help items there is also a Search in Help Files. Help Files may be somewaht more complex than Wizard Files in Micro Edit Studio. Search in Help allows user to search a word or an expression in Help Files; Micro Edit Studio will create and open a Search File in which user will find links to all ocurrences found in Help Files for searched string.

Help files contain more complete informations about all Micro Edit Studio and are very useful to user that has already studied Wizard Files and wants to know software more completely.

It is advisable but not necessary that Micro Edit Studio user have some familiarity with Micro Book Studio before beginning to work with it. Libraries that are built by Micro Edit Studio, although are better used in Micro Book Studio, may be read also in any conventional browser.

Click here to Download Micro Edit Studio.
Click here to visit Libraries and Books Store.